Cert III in Commercial Cookery
National Course Code: | SIT30821 |
CRICOS Course Code: | 112954G |
Mode of Delivery: | Face to Face Classroom |
Delivery Location: | Level 2, 73-81 Murray Street, HOBART TAS 7000 |

This qualification reflects the role of cooks who use a wide range of well-developed cookery skills and sound knowledge of kitchen operations to prepare food and menu items. Using discretion and judgment, they work with some independence and under limited supervision using plans, policies and procedures to guide work activities. Completion of this qualification contributes to recognition as a trade cook.
This qualification provides a pathway to work as a cook in organizations such as restaurants, hotels, clubs, pubs, cafes, and coffee shops. The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State or Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.
Please refer the following link for the further information:https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/SIT30821
Age Requirements:
All international students must be 18 years of age to apply.
English Language Requirement:
IELTS((General Or Academic) overall English ) | PTE Academic IIBT (General) | TOEFL PB | TOEFL IBT | CAEScale | ELICOS (General English) |
5.5 | 46 | 506 | 62 | 162 | n/a |
5.0 | 38 | 478 | 51 | 154 | +15 Weeks |
4.5 | 30 | 450 | 40 | 146 | +30 Weeks |
Note: Results older than two years are not acceptable (for offshore applicants)
2. Evidence that they have studied in English for at least five years in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom or United States
3. Evidence that, within two years of their application date, they have successfully completed in Australia a foundation course or a senior secondary certificate of education or successfully completed substantial components (50% or more units according to the training package) Certificate II or higher level qualification, from the Australian Qualifications Framework on a student visa.
4. Applicants originating from students visa assessment levels 1 and 2 countries without the required IELTS or equivalent score must undertake the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test. For further information on student visa assessment levels visit Department of Home Affairs’ website atwww.homeaffairs.gov.au
Academic Requirement:
Students must have satisfactorily completed a minimum of year 12 VCE or its equivalent overseas qualifications.
LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy Evaluation Test):
Epoch International College will also administer Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Evaluation test to all students to ensure that they have the ability to complete the course. This test will occur prior to the course commencement and will be assessed by authorised Epoch International College’s delegate.
Onshore International Students
Complete the Pre-Training Review which aims to identify training needs through questions on previous education or training, relevance of the courses to learner and relevant experience.
Offshore International Students
Complete the Pre-Training Review which aims to identify training needs through questions on previous education or training, relevance of the courses to learner and relevant experience. This will be conducted either via video call (e.g. Skype) or phone call to the prospective learner.
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
All international students must have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire duration of their stay in Australia.
Fulltime: over a period of 52 weeks
- 52 weeks of delivery is inclusive of 6weeks holiday breaks and 10 Weeks of work placement.
- Classroom sessions of 20 hours per week
- Training support hours include the assistance provided after the classroom session or on request by learners either via face-to-face or phone, Skype or email to support learners to undertake the learning activities and other academic matters.
- Guided learning hours are monitored by Trainers/Assessors.
Refer to the Training and delivery structure table in Section 19 for the breakdown of delivery hours
Graduates may find employment in Hospitality Industry as a:
- Commercial Cook
- Kitchen supervisor
*It is not, however, intended to indicate that an individual will gain immediate employment on completion of this qualification.
Learners who successfully complete this qualification may progress into further studies such as:
- SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
SIT30821– Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
25 units of competency are required forward of this qualification including:
20 Core units
5 Elective units, consisting of:
- 3 units from Group A or Group B below
- 2 units from Group A, Group B or Group C below:
All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.
For more information on the packaging rules, please visit https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/SIT30821.
Units Of Competency
SITXFSA005 | Use hygienic practices for food safety | Core |
SITXFSA006 | Participate in safe food handling practices | Core |
SITHCCC027* | Prepare dishes using basic methods of Cookery | Core |
SITHCCC023* | * Use food preparation equipment | Core |
SITHCCC028* | Prepare appetizers and salads | Core |
SITHCCC029* | Prepare stocks, sauces and soups | Core |
SITHCCC030* | Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes | Core |
SITHCCC031* | Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes | Core |
SITHCCC035* | Prepare poultry dishes | Core |
SITHCCC036* | Prepare meat dishes | Core |
SITHCCC037* | Prepare seafood dishes | Core |
SITHCCC041* | Produce cakes, pastries and breads | Core |
SITHCCC042* | Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements | Core |
SITHCCC043* | Work effectively as a cook | Core |
SITHKOP009* | Clean kitchen premises and equipment | Core |
SITHKOP010 | Plan and cost recipes | Core |
SITHPAT016* | Produce desserts | Core |
SITXHRM007 | Coach others in job skills | Core |
SITXINV006* | Receive, store and maintain stock | Core |
SITXWHS005 | Participate in safe work practices | Elective |
SITHCCC040* | Prepare and Serve Cheese | E Group A |
SITHCCC039* | Produce pates and terrines | E Group A |
BSBSUS211 | Participate in sustainable work practice | E Group C |
SITXINV007 | Purchase Goods | E Group C |
SITHCCC038* | Produce and serve food for buffets | E Group A |
Note: Units marked with an*asterisk have one or more prerequisites. Refer to individual units for details.
Kindly contact the college for further information regarding the fees.
Epoch International College would not accept payment of more than $1500 from each individual student prior to the commencement or in advance at any given time.
*Further fee / charges information can be found in student handbook, or from Epoch International College’s administration office,
*Tuition fees and other compulsory costs (material fees, books etc.) may change from year to year. However, students continuing in their current qualification will not incur any fee increases
*Material Fees includes but not restricted to books, Tutorials and course documents.
The Australian Qualifications Framework 2nd edition January 2013 specifies that the Volume of Learning for a Certificate III qualification is typically from 1 to 2 years or 1200 – 2400 hours (http://www.aqf.edu.au) and http://www.asqa.gov.au/users-guide-to-the-standards-for-registered-training-organisations-2015/about-the-standards-for-rtos/standard-one/clauses/clauses-1.1–1.4.html
The volume of learning identifies the duration of all training and assessment activities as well as practice opportunities. These activities include the following:
- Supervised or guided learning such as classroom training sessions, trainer-led support sessions and simulated workplace training, Guided Learning and formative and summative assessments.
- The existing skills, knowledge and the learner’s experience
- An RPL assessment
The volume of learning allocated in the design of this qualification may vary depending upon and not limited to:
The delivery hours allocated for each unit in this program align to those specified in the Victorian Purchasing Guides. The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) uses these hours for AVETMISS reporting purpose; therefore, ASQA uses these hours as a benchmark (source:Extract,UserGuidetotheStandardsforVETAccreditedCoursesVersion5.0Dec.2017).
We have conducted industry consultations and trainer’s meetings to allocate the right amount of hours to each unit for this cohort.
Students are required to obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI) prior to commencing their course. The USI provides students with the ability to obtain a complete record of their Vocational Education and Training records from a single online source. Epoch International College will not issue a Certificate or Statement of Attainment to a student who does not have a USI unless they fall under the USI exemptions. You can obtain a USI from www.usi.gov.au or Epoch International College can obtain it on your behalf once you complete an Application for USI which will be provided to you with your enrolment form. If you are an offshore international student studying outside of Australia then you are exempt from having a Unique Student Identifier: www.usi.gov.au/pages/exemptions.aspx.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION – Student Handbook, Policies and Procedures, Fees and Charges
Information about our training and assessment, policies and procedures are included in student handbook and should be read by you, prior to enrollment. In addition student handbook is also located on server and available for you. These documents contain important information about your training course, fees and charges including our refund policy.
Student needs are declared by the applicant at the time of enrollment: the application form allows the applicant to self-declare where they have learning disabilities.
Every student is interviewed either face-to-face or over the telephone to examine the applicants level of knowledge and skills. Also including their current employment and how that relates to the course content and interaction.
Where language, literacy and numeracy are in question Epoch International College has a language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) assessment they may undertake to confirm their level of language, literacy and numeracy skills. Pre-Training review is in place to determine the suitability of the qualification and specific learning style.
Reasonable adjustments to training and assessment will be made and additional support (e.g. LLN, assistive technology, additional training, alternative delivery and assessment modes and methods) will be provided where students with physical attributes or specific learning needs are identified who are required to complete their training and assessment.
Students with prior learning and work experience can apply for RPL. Students who have completed corresponding units of competency and/or units contained within the packaging rules can apply for Credit Transfer. RPL evidence must include some of the following:
- Work experience
- Life experience
- Previous study
- Professional development programs
If you wish to apply for RPL or Credit Transfer, please notify Epoch International College at the time of enrollment.
Email: info@epoch.edu.au
Phone: +61 411352771